This section will hold youtube recordings of all sessions. The purpose of these online talks is to share knowledge and wisdom on various interesting topics. Have you ever wondered why when looking for a second time a movie, there are parts that you do not remember seeing the first time?. These online talks will provide you with recordings of all our meetings so you can view them multiple times and learn things that usually go past our attention, providing a richer & fuller knowledge learning experience. For a Presentation click here .
Beginning next Suntawk session, we will charge $15 per session per person. The payment can be sent via Zelle to 914 733 2849.

Suntawk means:
Wisdom and
Fun Fact--Tawk: Eye dialect spelling of talk, representing New York City English.
1. No debating. Only dialogue in a safe environment.
2. Simple is better than complex and better than complicated.
3. We need Open Minds for this to work.
4. Your EGO can be left out the door.
5. Politics & Sports are off the table. Religion we touch a few general aspects, but nothing specific or extensive coverage.
6. Share info and experience to raise group's consciousness.

Before every meeting.
Please send us topics and questions you want us to discuss at the meeting. We will all send material for the group to review prior to the date. We have found that sometimes one hour is not enough when it gets very interesting.
Remember to bring drinks and snacks to the talk.
Video Library
List of Videos in youtube.